Understanding debuggers in Python and VScode

This post is a copy of the README file from this GitHub repo that I wrote today. It was written because, whilst I’d long used debuggers, I didn’t fully understand how they worked and I needed to implement a custom debugging setups across remote environents for Finomics. It mentions some code that is obviously not included here, but hopefully the explanation is helpful!

Any questions, please feel free to email at [email protected].

Conceptual understanding

How do debuggers actually work in Python?

It seems that all debugging in Python relies on the python sys.settrace() method. This method allows you to set a callback function that is executed before every line executed by the Python interpreter (it is also called before a function is called, a function returns, or an exception occurs). See here for more details.

Try reading, running and understanding src/traceexample.py to investigate how this function works.

How do we connect sys.settrace to debug tooling?

There are some simple actions we usually wish to have when debugging code. This include things like breakpoints, variable inspection and manual step-through.

Image: debugging a python file in VScode

A debugger is a tool that uses sys.settrace() to allow such interactions. We can imagine simple implementations of this: for example, storing breakpoints (i.e. file + line) and checking each call to the trace callback function to see if they match.

In a typical implementation, we will interact with this debugger by having it set up a server that we can talk to. A standard protocol for this server interface (at least, in VScode) is defined in the debug adapter protocol.

How to set up debugpy for VScode

See [src/main.py'](/src/main.py) for an example of how we might set up a debugging server within our code, using the debugpy` library. In the example provided, the debug server is set to listen on port 5678.

The next step is to connect to the server using

Running this example

To demonstrate remote debugging, the example is implemented using a Docker container. Note: You must have Docker installed and running on your local machine. You can then run:

docker build -t learningdebugpy .
docker run -p 5678:5678 -it learningdebugpy

Followed by going to “Run and Debug” in VScode and then running the “Python Debugger: Remote Attach”. This will connect the VScode debugger to the Python file you’re running! You can set breakpoints in src/main.py (or src/mylib/__init__.py, which it calls), step over function calls, etc.