Why have I made this?

I’ve never been particularly adept at using social media, having often seen more of the negatives than the positives. However, in recent years, I have been inspired by many examples of the online community using social media in a productive way. These people used social media in the way I believe it should be: for connecting across boundaries and sharing knowledge.

Whilst I will sometimes share projects on here, this site is mainly a forum for sharing thoughts and learnings. For myself, these posts will act as an exercise in the Feynman technique. Hopefully they may also help or inspire others.


I anticipate that these posts will most cover topics in computer, data and cognitive sciences. However, I am famously eclectic (read: distractable) in my interests, so no promises! It will often be things that I am learning at that moment in time.

Commenting and feedback

If you would like to get in touch please reach out to me by email at [email protected], or through LinkedIn. Thanks!